Udvartana is a detoxifying massage using powders, herb pastes mixed with or without Ayurvedic oils. There are two types of udvartana: utsadana – a more delicate form of massage, which uses powders mixed with oil, and udgharshana – which uses dry powders that cause more friction and the associated heat generation.

Herbs and grains in the composition include, among others silicic acid (barley), vitamin C (Indian gooseberry “amla”), which strengthens and improves tissue tension. The udvartana treatment stimulates blood circulation, smoothes out uneven skin and acts as a peeling. Udvartana is used in slimming treatments, elimination of cellulite changes, skin lesions, excessive sweating and rheumatic diseases. Skutecznie usuwa z organizmu szkodliwe toksyny i poprawia krążenie krwi. It strengthens the muscular system, shapes the body, gives the skin a healthy look

We also recommend Chinese cupping massage >>


  • Cleans and nourishes the skin
  • Tones the muscles and improves metabolism in them
  • Cleansing effects
  • Improves metabolism in adipose tissues
  • Nourishes the skin
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Reduces cellulite



Feroz Ranzoo

Current address

Str. Międzyborska 106

